Wowza記録されたメディアをAWS S3にアップロードする
StandardYAML file for K8S
Install and Deploy Kubernetes on Ubuntu 19
StandardList all azure containers in Python
Standardfrom azure.storage.blob import BlobService blob_service=BlobService(account_name='x', account_key='x', ) marker=None while True: containers = blob_service.list_containers(marker=marker) for c in containers: print c.name if containers.next_marker: marker = containers.next_marker else: break |
Export Azure network security groups using PowerShell
Standard> Install-Module AzureRM > Import-Module AzureR Error: Import-Module : File C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\AzureRM\4.2.1\AzureRM.psm1,... The PowerShell should work with the RemoteSigned policy in any case. > Get-ExecutionPolicy -List > Get-ExecutionPolicy -Scope CurrentUser > Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned > Import-Module AzureRM > Login-AzureRmAccount > Get-AzureRmSubscription Name : BizSpark Id : 1e573f03-6685-xxxx-bcb0-xxx TenantId : 517c8f98-6209-xxxx-9aca-xxx State : Enabled Name : Microsoft Azure Sponsorship Id : 61719d1b-1c44-xxxx-a985-xxx TenantId : 517c8f98-6209-xxxx-9aca-xxx State : Enabled > Select-AzureRmSubscription -SubscriptionId "61719d1b-1c44-xxxx-a985-xxx" > Get-AzureRmNetworkSecurityGroup -Name NSG_NAME -ResourceGroupName ResourceGroupName | Get-AzureRmNetworkSecurityRuleConfig | Select * | > Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Path C:\NSGExport.csv |
How to clone a Azure VM
Standardrun on your sample-vm
Using SaltStack to deploy Auto-scaling EC2
AWS VPC point to point with gre tunnel
AWS Cloudwatch query script for Zabbix